

It is still hot even after mid August. I feel my constitution has changed a little. I noticed by having melons. I always had a stomach trouble after having melons, but there were no problem after having a quarter of melon today. I used to have less drinks and hot teas even in summer but I can take cold teas this summer. The climate effected my body.

I practiced translation on subtitle. It was difficult and also interesting because the number of letters are limited each line. I felt it was like Japanese haiku or tanka since they are limited in letters like 5, 7, 5 and 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 respectively. It was more creative than technical translation which must be accurate to original text. It might be more difficult because subtitle needs different way of speaking from original one. It requires understanding the meaning and create different line with same meaning, often in a short line. It took about 5 hours and I just translated one third of whole. It will take more 2 days in my plan.

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